Circus training is fun with important benefits

Lolly Jar Circus creates positive changes in the lives of young people.

How? In our regular classes, young people learn new and exciting skills including tumbling, trapeze and juggling. They improve their fitness, gross and fine motor skills. They face fears, practise and persist. They must respect the trainers, themselves, other participants and our equipment. They take turns, share and support each other. They achieve in a non-judgmental and supportive environment.

An inclusive body

Lolly Jar Circus is an INCLUSIVE ARTS BODY. It does what all arts bodies should do - opens its arms as wide as it can to as many participants as possible, including those who are neuro-typical and those with physical or intellectual disabilities or socially at risk. There is an atmosphere of acceptance and respect. It works and our safety record is exemplary. Our logo says it all. Our wonderfully diverse participants are the “Lollies” in the Lolly Jar - all different shapes, sizes, colours and tastes. The lid is off the jar because they bounce happily and confidently out of our classes to their families, schools, work-places and other social situations, taking the benefits with them.

Lolly Jar Circus is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations which can be found here

You can read our 2023-24 Annual Impact Report here.